Our date field for the bank is embedded within text. How do we accommodate this? |
Our date field for the bank is embedded within text. How do we accommodate this? |
Use our Custom Date Import (CDI) feature located at 'Options', then 'Import tab'.
--Turn CDI 'On'
--Enter the date's first position (counting from the left) within the field.
The following example shows the embedded date of Dec 31, 2004 in position 6:
12345678901234567 (positions)
Date:12312004 (example line)
In addition, you would need to set the following settings, even though you might be within your local format:
--Select Format, (12312002, 2002/12/31, etc...)
--Select a separator, (slash, colon, hyphen, none)
Knowledge Base Article: KB2014
Treasury Software Corp. 1999 - 2005. All rights reserved.
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