When you sign up for positive pay with your bank, you will be performing two tasks: sending a positive pay file of your issued (and possibly voided) checks and reviewing exceptions that arise during the bank's positive pay process.
Bank Positive Pay keeps a detailed log of all items transmitted to the bank, so that you can perform your research accordingly.
For example, if a check is presented to the bank, but they are unable to match both the amount and the check number against your activity history (the cumulative list of all positive pay files), they will notify you that there's an exception.
It is then up to you to make a 'Pay or No-Pay' decision.
In order to do this, you need to see if you issued the check for the amoutn presented. You can do this research and reporting within our View > All Reports section.
Treasury Software has the ability to send a notification everytime a positive pay file is created.
Bank Positive Pay integrates directly with Outlook (and Outlook/Exchange).
How you transmit to the bank depends entirely on your bank's options for receiving the files.
Positive Pay has a wide selection of industry standard reports which include transactions, profile listings, audit trail logs and more.
All reports are capable of being exported to Excel