This help topic covers both clustered and single server configurations.
Treasury Software is a 'client-server' application, in that there is a front-end, also called an executable, and a back-end where the data is stored.
In a sense, one can even think of Microsoft Excel as being a client-server application, in that the program is installed on each user's computer - and that the data is stored in a back-end spreadsheet.
Treasury Software Server (back-end):
In Treasury Software, the data can be stored in our single-user desktop database, or it can be stored on a SQL Server.
Using SQL Server enables many users, each running the client on different computers, to access a central database.
The limitation of this scenario is that if there are 20 users, the software needs to be installed on 20 different computers.
What if you have an application server, or if you only want to install the software once and have your users remote into this one computer? Use our Remote Desktop Services feature.
Treasury Software Client (front-end):
By default, Treasury Software can only be used on any given machine in a non-concurrent manner.
However, with the introduction of our Remote Desktop Services feature, you can configure an application server, or any computer to enable multiple users to concurrently use the software.
Note: This feature is available with SQL Express and SQL Server platform licenses.
To start the Remote Desktop Services Wizard - enter into any account and select from the main menu File > Migrate to Remote Desktop Services, Citrix. Select Next.
Tip: To minimize your time - enter license codes and migrate to SQL prior to enabling Remote Desktop Services.
Select a Working Directory
Your users need a working directory to save transmission and report files, export to Excel, and archive import files.
By default, the system uses a directory tree in the Users\Public folder to make sure all users have access.
However, if non-Treasury Software users have access to this computer, it may be a security risk to leave the directory tree in this path.
We would then recommend selecting another location - and securing it for your Treasury Software authorized users.
Clustered environments - Make sure that you select a drive location on a non-clustered server.
Note: Treasury Software does not support working directories for desktop platform databases on a different computer.
Click Next.
Confirm and complete the migration.
Click Next.
Click Finish.
**** Exit and re-enter into Treasury Software to initialize your changes ****
**** Don't forget to exit and re-enter into Treasury Software to initialize your changes ****