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Filtering Data

Filtering Data

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Filtering Data

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Filtering Data


Immediately below the column headers is the filter row.  Each field in the report can have its own filter.  Select the type of filter for the field and then enter the filter text into the appropriate box.


Selecting Type of Filter


For each field you want to filter, click the corresponding AR - Equals button button.  This will display the filter choices.


For numerical filtering, your options are:


Advanced Reporting - Filter Numerical


Note: The comparisons are based on the sign of the data.  For example, if you want to see issued checks larger than $10,000 and all issued checks have negative signs, create a filter of "Less than" and enter -$10000 as the amount.


For textual filtering, your options are all the above, plus:


Advanced Reporting - Filter Alpha 1


Textual comparisons use simple text searches for the filter text, with the exception of "Matches Regular Expression" which uses regular expressions to create matches.  Regular expressions, while powerful, create an extra layer of complexity and normally are not needed for basic text filtering.


Entering Filter Data


In the textbox next to the filter type button, enter your filter criteria.  As you type, the data in the report will be filtered automatically.


Summarizing Data


Advanced Reporting also provides the ability to create data summaries for any fields you wish.  The summary information available is:

Count (number of records)






These summaries are stored as a part of user layouts and can be exported with the report data if you wish to retain them.


To turn on summaries, select View from the main menu, then Enable Summary.  A Advanced Reporting - Summary Sigma will be displayed in each field.  To enable summary information for a field, click the Advanced Reporting - Summary Sigma in the field header.


The Select Summaries box will be displayed.  Below is the box for the Amount field.  All other fields have Count, Maximum, and Minimum available.


Advanced Reporting - Select Summaries box


To turn on a summary value, enable the checkbox.  When finished, click OK.


The summary information will be displayed after the last row of report data.


Advanced Reporting - Summary information for Amount


To turn off summaries, select View from the main menu, then Disable Summaries.  Summaries are stored as a part of the user layout.  Summaries are automatically disabled when you switch reports.