ACH Universal

CTX - Corporate Trade Exchange

CTX - Corporate Trade Exchange

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CTX - Corporate Trade Exchange

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The Corporate Trade Exchange or CTX format supports transferring of funds, either credits or debits, within a trading partner relationship utilizing a full ANSI ASC X12 message or when payment related UN/EDIFACT information is sent with the funds transfer.
Multiple addenda records contain the ANSI or UN/EDIFACT information.


ACH Universal requires CTX transactions be done via profiles.  Account and routing numbers for each payee are stored as a profile in ACH Universal and then looked up via name or ID number when importing transactional information.


Excel screenshot - CTX


The mappings for remaining fields required to use CTX are:

Name as ACH_Name_Internal (Profile Lookup)

Amount as Amount_Payment_RMR

Invoice as Invoice_Number_RMR


While optional, it is recommended to map a Purchase Order number as PO_Number_RMR.


See CTX-EDI for more information on working with the CTX format.