Standard Entry Class Codes


A Standard Entry Class Code (SEC Code) identifies a specific payment application.  The code incorporates type of payment (debit or credit), account nature (consumer or corporate), and record format used to carry format.  Implicit in the code is how authorization is arranged (standing, oral, type of transaction, etc).


The list can be broken into three parts: Consumer codes, Corporate codes, and codes that can work on both types of accounts.




Consumer transactions are most commonly credits, such as payroll, retirement, dividend, and interest payments.  There are also debit applications as well.  These often include insurance premiums, mortgage payments, utility payments, and other similar payments.  Transactions be be single or recurring.  Below is the list of consumer codes with short description.  See the full definition of each code for more information.



Cross-border debits and credits.


Prearranged payments and deposits, most often on a recurring basis (payroll, bill payments)


Single debits used to represent check that was processed and returned due to lack of funds


Single debits authorized via telephone.


Single or recurring debits authorized via Internet.




Corporate transactions  are most commonly corporate trade payments, state and Federal tax payments, and financial electronic data interchange (EDI).  See full definition of each code for more information.



Cross-border debits and credits.


Credits or debits where funds are distributed or consolidated between corporations.


Corporate Trade Exchange.


Both Consumer and Corporate


These codes can be used on either consumer or corporate accounts.



Single debits based on a check received through U.S. mail or dropbox.


Allows creation of single debits for a point-of-purchase check during back office conversion.


Debit for in-person purchase of goods or services