ACH Universal

Mapping Fields - Reference

Mapping Fields - Reference

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Mapping Fields - Reference

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The required fields to map in a non-profiles scenario are:

• Name

• ABA_Routing_Number

• Bank_Account_Number

• Amount (or other amount field)


We of course recommend that you map the following fields, but the system can use defaults:
• Date - to the next day (or other default)

• Checking_or_Savings - to checking

• ID_Number - to blank - this is the other party's identification in your system (ie. payroll - this would be employee #).


There are over 40 additional fields available.  Please see the individual help topics.


If you are using profiles for your import, see Profiles.

Please remember, that this page relates to the other party's data - such as your clients, employees and vendors.



This is the name of the party that you are paying or collecting from.  It does not need to be an 'exact' match of the name on the account.




The 9 digit number assigned to each bank.

For all of you trivia experts - technically the ABA is an 8 digit number, and the ninth digit is a check sum.  However, common use dictates to always use all 9 digits unless specified otherwise.

ACH Universal performs a checksum verification on each imported or manually entered transaction's ABA number.


Using Excel - don't worry about the leading zero dropped.  Depending on your formatting, Excel may drop the leading zero, ACH Universal will automatically add the leading zero, and then perform it's verification.


If you are on our Corporate or Processor edition, you can look up and report on the current list of ABA numbers (Reports > ABA Listings).




This is the bank account number of the party that you are paying or collecting from.  Do not include dashes or other non-numeric data.  If leading zeroes are included, we recommend passing them along.




The amount being paid or collecting.

Sign in Amount Field

Funds flow




From other party to you


Collect from customers


From you to other party


Pay vendors and employees

The metaphor is:
Positive amounts increase your account balance, and typically represent collections from customers and others.
Negative amounts decrease your account balance, and represent payments out to employees and vendors.

If the file you are importing contains both debit and credit transactions, sign the amounts accordingly.
Special issues
If the file that you are importing is displaying the amounts in positive format, and the transactions represent payments out - then map the field as Amount_Reverse_Sign.
Tip: This field saves you the step of opening the file in Excel and multiplying by negative 1.

Separate field with 'Debit' or 'Credit'
Some files will have a separate field with a value similar to Debit/Credit or DR/CR.  You can map this field as 'Sign', and then make sure that the appropriate value is in File > Options >General > Import tab.


No decimals

If the amount you are importing does not contain a decimal point, from the main menu select File > Options > General > Import tab.  Scroll to 'Imported Amounts need decimals - G/L' and turn 'on'.


Example:  The imported amount is $5.00, and is shown in the file as 500. In this scenario, turn on the option above.


Note: By default, a zero amount will generate a pre-note (pre-notification) entry.  To filter out zero transactions, set the appropriate switch in File > ACH Setup.





If a 'Date' field is mapped, ACH Universal will use that date as the effective date.


Default date

If no date column is mapped, the system will use the next available business date, without regard for holidays.

You can change the default setting of 'Next day' to 'Two days', etc... in ACH Setup (File > ACH Setup).
Note: If a date field is mapped, but a record has an invalid date, the system will filter out the record.


Importing non-standard date formats (YYYMMDD, etc...)

As a general rule, if you can display the date in Excel, ACH Universal can import it.


However, if it is a non-standard format (per Excel), such as YYYYMMDD, you need to set Custom Date Import options in ACH Universal.

From  the main menu select File > Options > General > Import tab.  Scroll to Custom Date Import (CDI) G/L - turn it 'On'.  Then set the appropriate selections below it.



Checking or Savings

If all of your transactions are to/from checking accounts (such as a vendor payment run), you do not need to map a column.  The system will assume 'checking' as the default.


If the data you are importing is mixed, ie.containing transactions which will be received by checking and savings accounts, you will want to map the field as Checking_or_Savings.

The values in the data can be (case insensitive):














Special issues:
If you have a non-standard value representing checking/saving, you can select it ACH > Setup > Last Panel > Advanced > Legacy 1.