ACH Universal

Software Integration Kit

Software Integration Kit

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Software Integration Kit

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Custom Import Menus

Enables the automation of Custom Import Menus - regardless as to whether the program is set for ACH Universal, Bank Positive Pay or Bank Reconciliation.


· Account - /ACCT
· Include to activate - /MENU
· Group to use - /AUTO
Syntax Example
If Treasury Desktop was installed in the default location:
c:\Program Files\Treasury Software\version 2012 01\BRCOM.exe /ACCT="sample" /MENU /AUTO=1
This example triggers the Custom Import Menu group #1 (AUTO=1) for the 'sample' account.

--The group number can be set for each Custom Import Menu selection.  From the main menu select 'Import', 'Custom Import Menu Setup', then select to edit.  From the Custom Menus Setup window, select the 'Advanced' tab.  Change the group number in the 'Other Settings' section.

Notes for all applications:
· The order of the parameters is not significant
· Capitalization is not significant
· Place the account name in quotes.
Working with multiple users and multiple account:
Each command line trigger - will create an independent instance of the application. There is no limit to the number of instances.
If processing simultaneous command line requests, use different accounts (Sample1, Sample2, etc...) to minimize any record locking issues. If this is not an alternative, consider processing sequentially, or using our Control Panel.
For Web and Citrix based applications, please contact a Treasury Software support representative.