ACH Universal



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A reversal is used to correct an erroneous transmission.  Per NACHA rules, the exact amount of the erroneous transaction must be reversed. A second transaction must then be originated for the correct amount.



Reverse the entire original transaction and resubmit the correct transaction.  Do not reverse an amount to make the 'net' correct.



I. Creating a reversal - The easy way

Run a report with the transactions you want to reverse.  Select the records, and then from the Reports sub-menu Actions > Reverse.






II. Creating a reversal manually- For entries not originated in ACH Universal

Only use this method if the original entry was not made from ACH Universal.

If the original entry was made in ACH Universal, use the 'Easy Method' above.  It much less error prone.


1. From the Home Page, select 'Add a Record' (pencil) to display the Add a Record screen.


2. Fill out the screen exactly as the original entry has it, except for the debit/credit selection and date.

Enter the opposite debit/credit type as the original transaction.  If the erroneous transaction was submitted as a debit, you must create the reversal as a credit and vice-versa.
Date - The date will be the new transaction date (not the original entry).




3. Click the 'Reversal' link at the bottom of the page.  This will display the check box below.  Leave the checkbox 'checked', and click 'OK' to save the transaction.





III. Import a file

If you want to import, prepare an import file as you would normally do.

However - reverse the amount sign.  If you originally had positive amounts, use negative amounts (yes, you may remap using Amount_Reverse_Sign).
In the select a file screen, in the lower left corner, there will be a check box titled 'Reversal'.  Check this box.

The only function of this check box is to enter the word 'REVERSAL' in the appropriate location within the ACH file.

Remember - You must reverse the sign of the transaction yourself in this option.






--You may edit a reversing transaction prior to transmission, just as you would any other transaction, however - you may not change the status of a transaction from reversing to regular or vice versa.





--This simply creates a transaction.  Follow your normal procedures for creating and transmitting an ACH file.

--Treasury Software does not warrant the viability of any return that you create, as to whether it is within the acceptable date range or other conditions set by NACHA.