ACH Universal

Account Creation

Account Creation

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Account Creation

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Account Creation is the first step in the process of creating an account for your company data in ACH Universal.


Create Account

Select File from the main menu, then New Account.  You will see the Account Creation Wizard (Figure 1 below).


Figure 1 - Account Creation Wizard

Figure 1 - Account Creation Wizard


The two choices are:

Create a new account and save it to local catalog (most common choice)

Open an already created account and add to local catalog


Leave the default and click Next.


Name The Account


On the next screen (Figure 2 below), name the account.

Figure 2 - Name Account

Figure 2 - Name Account


Best practice is to use a name that is descriptive of its purpose (for example, 'Checking' for a checking account instead of 'Account 1').


There are only 3 rules for names:

Start account names with a letter, not a number

Spaces are not allowed. Use an underscore or internal capitalization for clarity

It must be unique from other accounts


Set Accounting Periods

On the next screen (Figure 3 below), set the accounting periods used for the account.  Months, the default, is the most common choice.  Note: May not be visible in all versions.


Click Next.


Figure 3 - Accounting Periods

Figure 3 - Accounting Periods


Switch to New Account

The next screen (Figure 4 below) allows you to switch to the newly created account and begin using it or stay in the current account.  You can always switch to the new account at any time later.


Click Finish..


Figure 4

Figure 4


Proceed to Account Setup

The final screen (Figure 5 below) that appears during the account creation process allows you to proceed immediately to Account Setup (click Yes) or skip setup at this time.


Figure 5

Figure 5


Next Step


Account Setup