
While ACH Universal converts tabular (Excel, csv) into ACH
ACH-2-Excel converts ACH files into comma delimited (csv)
and Excel files.
Treasury Software provides the solution for banking professionals
and treasury managers who want to work with ACH (Automated Clearing
House) files in a Microsoft Excel environment.
ACH-2-Excel is an easy-to-use, affordable utility that converts
ACH files to comma delimited files (csv) which can be opened in
any version of Excel.
Features & Benefits
· Easy to use 'Point and Click' interface
· Compatible with the most popular ACH file formats and ACH
Return Files.
· Open the converted comma delimited file directly into Microsoft
· Parses addenda records directly into a separate field
· Fully automated
ACH-2-Excel is included with ACH Universal Corporate edition and above,
and is also available as a stand alone utility.
Need to parse ACH-CTX/EDI for EPN STP 820?
New release - ACH-2-Excel now incorporates Straight-Through-Processing
for EPN STP 820. Create a separate csv file for remittance information. See ACH-2-Excel with CTX/EDI support.
Sample Files
For a full listing of fields, view the sample files
Original ACH file (input)
Payments (output)
Download now and install a free, full-working version to test with your bank.
No credit card needed, no catch. Completely risk-free, no obligation.
Can't find what you need? Contact us online or at 866-226-5732
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