Entering Transactions
Enter transactions easy and automated with ACH Universal. You can
import files already in electronic format - or you can simply key
them in.

On-the-fly a.k.a. 'Ad-hoc'
Excellent for non-recurring transactions, web server or any other
integration scenario, where transactions are often made with new
customers, employees and vendors.
If your system is capable of storing the transactional account information,
such as account and ABA numbers, this is the simplest method of
In addition to the fields shown above:
Date - Specify the transaction date, or set the default to the next
ID - Include a vendor or customer number for their reference should
they need to contact you.
Advanced - There are over 25 additional importable fields for full
Profile Lookup
Excellent for off-the-shelf accounting packages such as QuickBooks,
Peachtree and any other system which does not have the ability to
store account and routing information.
Manual entry - On-the-fly

Simply key in the information, or use profiles (below).
Manual entry - Profiles
Automate the entire process at the click of one button - or set
it to a timer to run automatically.
See Software Integration Kit (SIK)
- Custom Menus
ACH Universal can import Excel, comma delimited (csv) files, tab
delimited files, Microsoft Access files, fixed width text files
- almost any type of file in a tabular format.