Registering dll's on Microsoft Vista and Windows 7


On occasion, a dynamic link library (dll) will need to be manually registered on a Microsoft Operating System. This can be due to the installation of other programs, service packs, or a lack of administrator rights during the initial installation - even though it was installed by an administrator.

To register a dll, you will need to elevate the permissions to Administrator - even though you are logged on as an administrator.

This is a function/feature of Microsoft Windows Vista, not Treasury Software.

To register a dll:
Click the Vista Start Button.
Click Accessories
Right click on Command Prompt.
Click on 'Run as administrator'

This will open a command prompt window. Navigate to the Treasury Software installation directory. Use the screen below as an example.
At the installation directory enter the following registration command (substitute the name of the dll as needed):
regsvr32 actrpt.dll

You should receive the following feedback from Vista:


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