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CTX-EDI Cross-reference

Element Element name Default value or location of entry
ISA01 Authorization Information Qualifier 00
ISA02 Authorization Information Blank
ISA03 Security Information Qualifier 00
ISA04 Security Information Blank
ISA05 Interchange ID Qualifier ACH Setup. For 'ZZ', type in (will reflect 'Mutually Agreed'). Note: Can override drop down list.
ISA06 Interchange Sender ID ACH Setup
ISA07 Interchange ID Qualifier Vendor profile
ISA08 Interchange Receiver ID Vendor profile
ISA09 Interchange Date System date
ISA10 Interchange Time System time
ISA11 Interchange Control Standards Identifier U
ISA12 Interchange Control Version Number 00401, unless an earlier subset selected.
ISA13 Interchange Control Number System generated (000000001)
ISA14 Acknowledgment Requested 0
ISA15 Usage Indicator P
ISA16 Component Element Separator ~
GS01 Functional Identifier Code RA
GS02 Application Sender's Code Same as ISA06
GS03 Application Receiver's Code Same as ISA08, unless over-ride needed Vendor profile
GS04 Date System date
GS05 Time System time
GS06 Group Control Number System generated (1)
GS07 Responsible Agency Code X
GS08 Version / Release / Industry Identifier Code 004010, unless an earlier subset selected.
ST01 Transaction Set Identifier Code 820
ST02 Transaction Set Control Number System generated (0001)
BPR01 Transaction Handling Code C
BPR02 Monetary Amount System calculated. Agrees to NACHA record 6, 30-39
BPR03 Credit/Debit Flag Code 'C' System driven. Agrees to NACHA record 6, 02-03
BPR04 Payment Method Code ACH
BPR05 Payment Format Code CTX
BPR06 ODFI ID Number Qualifier '01' Determined by subset.
BPR07 ODFI Identification Number ACH Setup
BPR08 Account Number Qualifier DA
BPR09 Account Number ACH Setup
BPR10 Originating Company Identifier ACH Setup. Agrees to NACHA record 5, 41-50
BPR11 Originating Company Supplemental Code Blank
BPR12 RDFI ID Number Qualifier 01
BPR13 RDFI Identification Number (ABA) Vendor profile. Agrees to NACHA record 6, 04-12
BPR14 Account Number Qualifier DA
BPR15 Account Number Vendor profile. Agrees to NACHA record 6, 13-29
BPR16 Date Transaction driven. Agrees to NACHA record 5, 70-75
TRN01 Trace Type Code 1
TRN02 Reference Identification Number Generated by system - recommended (default). Can be mapped from the transaction (Trace_TRN).
N101 Entity Identifier Code PR
N102 Name

Multiple origination account or
ACH Setup

N101 Entity Identifier Code PE
N102 Name Vendor profile. Profile. Agrees to NACHA record 6, 59-74
ENT01 Entity System generated starting at '1' and incrementing
RMR01 Reference Identification Qualifier Mapped from the transaction (Type_RMR), or ACH Setup.
If a credit memo, system over-rides with 'CM'. Note: Can override drop down list.
RMR02 Reference Identification Mapped from the transaction (Invoice_Number_RMR)
RMR03 Payment Action Code Not used (optional field).
RMR04 Amount Paid Mapped from the transaction (Amount_Payment_RMR). Note: If credit memos will be issued, substitute Amount_Payment_RMR with either Amount, or Amount_Reverse_Sign
RMR05 Invoice Amount Mapped from the transaction (Amount_Total_Invoice_RMR)
RMR06 Discount Taken Mapped from the transaction (Amount_Discount_RMR)
REF01 Reference Identification Qualifier Mapped from the transaction (Type_REF) or ACH Setup. Note: Can override drop down list.
REF02 Reference Identification Mapped from the transaction (PO_Number_REF)
REF03 Description Mapped from the transaction (PO_Description_REF)
DTM01 Date/Time Qualifier Mapped from the transaction (Type_DTM) or ACH Setup. Note: Can override drop down list.
DTM02 Date Mapped from the transaction (Date_DTM).

The following screen shots can be accessed from the main menu.

File > ACH Setup (pane 3)


File > ACH Setup (pane 7), 'CTX' tab

Edit > Profiles - Customers, Employees and Vendors (edit or add)
(screen adjusted for display)

Edit > Profiles - Customers, Employees and Vendors (edit or add)
Select 'Profile Specific' from the drop down list on the 'CTX' tab.


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